Monday, May 31, 2010


So I'm a few days late on this post, but that's because I had a really hard time thinking up a good topic. However, while I was on the plane today, something occurred to me. I don't think I've ever met a writer who hasn't described the sensation of their characters talking to them. Many of them say the characters tell them the story, and they just write it down.

The catch here, is that it doesn't seem to happen to all of us. Or at least, I've never managed to get into that sort of grove. It may be that the characters aren't well formed in my head. It's something I've been working on, that's why I'm playing with the modeling software. (Incidently, goal for this week is to start working on some clothing / props, assuming I ever get more stable internet).

This got me thinking about whether or not storytelling was a learned trait, or something more? I'd like to think I have interesting ideas, or at least they sound interesting to me, they just are a little incomplete. When I sit down and write them, it just doesn't come out that well. There are some things that I've been working on recently (with the magic system etc.) that may help me narrow this down, and get a clearer picture of the characters, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, what do you think: Storytelling skill is inherited? something you can work on? or just a glass ceiling?

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