Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Decatur Book Festival

This past weekend, I was in Decatur, GA for the Decatur Book Festival. I got to do everything I wanted to, but not everything I hoped to. In general it was a good experience, but we'll have to see if it's worth going back to, at least depending on the company.

So friday was full of driving. Because of Ben's work schedule, we couldn't get out until almost 2:30. Which would have been okay, except that he wanted to stop at his Dad's place, which added another hour of driving and 3 hours of socializing. I don't begrudge him the opportunity much, but I would have liked to get to the hotel before midnight, not 2:30am.

Saturday, we got started pretty late. And by we, I mean he. We got to the festival just in time for the panel on Worldbuilding. The lines for the signing afterwards was huge, and we didn't get to see Brandon Sanderson. (As it is, he was signing in Raleigh last night, but I had other plans). After that we walked around, I ended up buying a book that the author called a "Gateway Steampunk" book, as well as Skin Hunger, which was by one of hte other panelists, and the book from the panelist I was there to see (THe Exiled Queen).

Sunday, we got a bit of an earlier start, just a few minutes late to see Cassandra Claire. Her line was, if anything, longer, and I was about halfway through instead of at the end. I still managed to get the two copies, one for me and one for Stephanie. There were also a few other things that are on the maybe list, and so I've marked them down and will be investigating them later, when I have a bit more wiggle room in my budget. The downside Sunday, was that because of the lines for Claire, I missed seeing Lev Grossman. I didn't even know he was going to be there, but it would have been cool to stop by. If I knew, I would have brought my copy of his book. I reviewed it earlier, and it was a little strange, but it would have been interesting all the same.

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